Methylene Blue

"One of the most potent medicines ever discovered"

METHYLENE  BLUE 1% (Solution)

                                       What is Methylene Blue                                                                                      Methylene Blue is not new in the field of medicine. It has been around since the 1930’s.                                              It was clinically proven that Methylene Blue was the most effective anti-malaria drug ever discovered.                            It cured Malaria in 48 hrs. of injestion.

   Chinese scientists in 2020 did investigative research on COVID 19. They published a study reporting that Methylene Blue effectively eliminated the SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 virus in a petre dish, within 2 minutes of contact.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    In 2020, the drug Hydroxychloroquinewas used to cure thousands of Covid-19 patients. Turns out, that this effective drug Hydroxychloroquine was originally derived from Methylene Blue.


The information below was extracted by me from the book “The ultimate Guide to Methylene Blue" by Mark Sloan

     Currently, scientific clinical breakthroughs have proven that virtually ALL diseases, has a mal-functioning metabolic pathway associated with the disease. Metabolic pathways are used by the body to generate & regulate what is needed by the body to function properly. There are several different metabolic pathways that keep the body regulated & functioning properly.    

Methylene Blue, helps to re-balances metabolic pathways, while improving the mitochondrial function of a blood cell.  Balancing the Mitochondria of each cell ( ATP=Energy) of the body is by far, the quickest way to restore health and vitality to the entire human organism.  

Methylene Blue, is a non-toxic synthesized chemical anti-oxidant supplement that increases cellular oxygen respiration.

Methylene Blue, repairs, restores and regenerates Mitochondrial function in human cells. Methylene Blue is one of the most powerful anti-oxidants (free radical killer) in existence.                                                                         

Methylene Blue is used in many EMERGENCY ROOMS across America for detoxing drug overdoses & toxic chemical ingestion of patients admitted.

Methylene Blue Ingredients

     Methylene Blue 1% > 1 fl. oz. Restructured water, Methylene Blue (USP Grade 1%) Organic  Glycerin, Energetically Enhanced with Sun-charged Essence of Gold (99.9% pure Gold)

                             Top Ten Benefits of Methylene Blue

· Antidote for many chemical poisons, toxins & drug overdoses

· Greatest Anti-Malarial substance ever discovered in medical history.

· A Virus Warrior for >  parasites, fungi, candida, viruses, ( Hepatitis, HIV, Ebola, West Nile, Covid 19, Herpes, Epstein Barr.                

· Inhibits Nitric Oxide, a powerful free radical toxin that negatively affects brain function, muscle growth & performance, hormone production, Nitric Oxide is a major cause of overall aging.

· Enhancement of cognitive perception

· Reduces Depression, Bi-Polar, Dementia, Alzheimer’s & Parkinson's

· Hope for healing Autism

· A Great Pain Reliever

· Healthier Heart

· Cancer cell killer

                              Other Researched Benefits of Methylene Blue

· Brain Booster > increases oxygen and blood flow to the brain.

· Improves and prevents memory loss.

· Improves focus, comprehension & concentration.

· Protectant, by diminishing neurological inflammation in the Brain from free radical damage.

· Has detoxification properties such as removing most pathogenic microbes like: Candida, Parasites, Molds, Viruses & Bacterial wastes living in your body. 

· Enhances ATP Energy regeneration of the mitochondria which slows the aging process & increase oxygen in the brain cells.

· Reduces oxidative brain stress, environmental toxins, GMO’s, EMF’s & free radicals in the body.

                                             Safety Guidelines                                                               Methylene Blue should NOT be given to babies.                                                                                                          DO NOT take Methylene Blue if you are pregnant or breast feeding.                                                                      Methylene Blue CAN be taken with Anti-depressants ( SSRI medications) Paxil, Prozac or Zoloft                                       


ORDERING:  METHYLENE BLUE 1% (solution)   

1 oz. Methylene Blue COST $33.00      Click on this Link to order

Complete dosage direction will be included with your order of Methylene Blue

  Call /Text  Body Expressions office @ 808-855-8272